
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Time for Thanksgiving

As I reflect on the past few years and all of the life changing things that have happened, I can't help but feel nostalgic about my past and memories with my family. The "simple times" for my sisters and I were probably not so simple for my parents. They probably stressed about money and schooling and the future-just as I am now for my daughters. They had to have worried about things and yet I never once heard about it. We were not rich with money by any means, but we never went without-they always provided, always taught us, always fed us and clothed us. I never felt like we were "shorted" anything. But I was also taught that not everyone has food, or clothes, or a loving family.
I am thankful that I did. I have always felt full, cared for and loved beyond belief. I am thankful for my amazing parents who have always given-everything-for those they love and even those they don't know. I am thankful that they taught me to care for others and the well being of those who don't have the luxury of a loving family; I am thankful for my sisters who I look up to as strong, Christian women, who want the best for those around them. We were all instilled with so many things-compassion, generosity, love and forgiveness-and for all of those things, I credit the path my parents took and take everyday.

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