
Monday, November 8, 2010

Tender heart

I'ma real crybaby when it comes to movies about: fathers/daughters, babies, friends, elderly, love...okay, I'm a crybaby about most movies. In fact, when I hear Russel Crowes voice, it makes me tear up. I don't even have to see the preview...just the sound of his voice. The movie Up-bawled like a baby...all three times. The movie Meet Joe Black, cried like a lil' girl. We just bought Toy Story 3 and guess what...cried during that too-but Natalie started it. There are several parts in the movie that are a little scary for 4 year olds ( in my opinion) she cried when the Big Baby cried and Lotso stepped on the BB heart; she cried when the toys fell in the dumpster...she's just a tender hear like me. And that's okay.

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