
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Natalie is funny #107

My baby girl, Natalie Joy is funny-I've said that befoe, but she really does just crack my stuff up. This morning she complained of not feeling well (she had the night before, so I kind of believed her)so shewanted to stay at home-Andy just happened to not be feeling well either, so she got to stay with Dad all day. Before I left for work told her that sick kids have to stay in bed all day and they are not allowd to watch tv, movies or eat anything fun. Her eyes got really big, but she said, "I won't Mom, I'm just tired and sick and I'll be in bed all day with my fever"
When Andy called at 11am I asked how Natalie was, and when he told me that she'd been up since not long after I left, watching tv, I asked him to give her the phone. I said, "Natalie, what did I tell you before I left this morning?" She said, "That sick kids have to saty in bed all day, but Mom, when I woke up again, my fever was gone-so I thought, I better watch tv to saty better"-she got in trouble :)

1 comment:

  1. So now that I have a blog I can comment:-) I love hearing about your girls. Natalie has quite the personality! Thanks for keeping her family far away in the loop. Love you sister!
