
Monday, August 3, 2009

Happy B-day weekend!

Two birthdays were celebrated this past weekend...a dear friend of ours, Joshua Reece (aka: Pampers, Make-A, Pickles, Ua, Pamps, Gerberbaby) turns the big 3-0 on August 4th and he and his lovely wife Erin had some friends over for a Cajun-style dinner at their awesome house in ALLEN. Natalie always has a good time at their house, so after being assured that other kids were going to be there, we brought her along for the party. Andy helped cook the boil...mussels, shrimp, kibasa, corn, potatos made up the cajun boil and the guys did an awesome job of laying it all out for us.
Then came the karaoke, and anyone who knows me knows I'm kind've a microphone hog :( Sorry it happens....but I have created a little mini-me, and she loves it just as much as I do...Natalie walks up there and sang her little heart out several times, including a new song, written by her, called "Butterfly Fairy"-a tribute, no doubt, to the new butterfly fairy Barbie her Daddy got her earlier that day. Part of the song that lasted FOREVER, was (after I started clapping to try and end this particular song) she gracefully sang the words, right along with her music, "Mom stop clapping I'm not done"...it was hysterical! She asked if Andy would dance with her and fell asleep almost immediately around 10:30...it was a LATE night for the Meyer's...we're usually in bed by 9pm!
The second birthday party was on Sunday for my 7 year old nephew Nolan! I can NOT believe he is 7! Boy time goes FAST! We had fun swimming and eating ice cream cake (thank you Amy!) and opeing gifts...lots of boys there, so Natalie got to practice shooting (and getting shot back at) with water guns. She and he cousing Olivia, who is two, had fun chasing people and shooting them, but it was NOT fun getting paybacks!

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