
Friday, February 4, 2011

hello month of Luuuuuuuve!

Wow...already February? It seems like the past SO fast!

Updates: Hannah is walking-pretty much all the time now. She continues to be in to EVERYTHING!!! Miss Curious or Hannah of Mass Destruction is usually her name at home ;)
She had to be taken in to the hospital on Thursday with a suspected fracture on her elbow. We're not sure what happened. And thinks she fell off of the bed...but who knows. You wouldn't even know she was hurt except that when she bends her arm, she kind of wimpers now. Orthopedic doc said that he's not concerned and wants to hear back after a week if she's not better. She started in the toddeler class last week and seems to be doing really well.
Natalie continues to learn new thigs at her daycare/preschool. She knows her address, my phone number, Andy's cell number and too much for a 4 1/2 year old. I wonder sometimes where she gets things, but she continues to make us laugh.
Ne news with m...I start a new job on Valentines Day!!! That's all I will now...but it's going to be AWESOME!!! More later...