
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August FLEW by!

Whew...IS August really almost over? This is crazy! Summer just started the other day, I promise!

Let's see...what has gone on in the last (almost) month since I last posted?
I had a birthday/camping trip with some of my dearest friends...Lisha turned (ahem) 29, and we celebrated in a different way this year...hot dogs, smores, and fires...not in the order. First, our friends, Dustin took us out on his boat...thank you Dustin for enduring us all! and we zoomed around the lake a few times. Then hung out and "tanned" for awhile in the Cove. Around 8, it started lightening, so we headed back to start setting up our camp. We had Mandy aka Ms. Coleman, with us and with her expertise in camping gear, she had us set up in no time at all.

After some trouble with finding wood, we had a nice fire going and cooked us some hot dogs, smores and Doritos-is that not the best dinner EVER?!
It was all great until 1:30 when it started raining, some of us climbed in the car, and then back to the tents when it stopped. I tell you what though, sleeping in anything but my bed STINKS when there is already NO comfortable position!
Anyway, around 4:30 it started rainging again, or should I say, down pouring, and seeing as Jennifer, Sarah and I didn't have the Coleman tent, we ran to the cars to avoid getting soaked! Erin, Lisha and Mandy soon followed and I called to say, "Let's go home" So we carpooled back to Perry and slept until 9:30 at my house. It was a fun time though!

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