New Nat stories...
"Mom, I'm sorry that I lied, but sometimes my mouth doesn't remember the truth"
After I asked her to pick the basement toy room up-all by herself-"But Mom, my hands will get tired and by the time I'm done, it will be dark outside."
After telling her to stop picking her nose (in the choir loft during church, no less)
"Mom, if I don't pick them out, the boogers will start coming out of my nose and scaring people-they'll say 'oh my, what is that on Natalie's face" :)
(Nat)"Mom, I need new friends" (me) "Oh yeah...why is that honey?"
(Nat)"well, Mom, my friends say that I am slow" (me) "well we know that its not true" (Nat) "well I am a little bit slow"
Thanks for posting this after your last post...she is so funny!