
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Territorial Days and Turtle racin'

Last weekend was Lecompon's Territorial Days and was only the second time I have had the opportunity to enjoy the festivities. This time every year, the people of Perry head over acrss the bridge to enjoy vendors of food, crafts, rides, a parade and a street dance with a live band.
Friday night we took Natalie over there to enjoy the "wristband night"...I was thinking, okay $7-10 for a night of all you can ride rides won't be too bad... I was a little off.....$18!!!!!!!!! For ONE night! AND it wasn't like Natalie could ride the Squirrl cages or the Twister thingy...but they did have some kiddie rides and she seemed to have an awesome time...plus she went on the BIG slide and the swings (which scared me to death) and had a BLAST! I think she rode the swings 10 times and went up the stairs and down the slide at least 10...so maybe I did get my money's worth. We were there until 10 and got poor, tired lil' Natalie home way past her bedtime.
BUT she got up at 6:30am ready to go "ride the swings" again...we had to get the trutle there by 8am to get in the turtle race...On Thursday, Natalie named our borrowed turtle (Thanks Trevor-again) Monisha...and then it's name changed to Sally...so "Monisha/Sally" was a pretty good turtle...loved to be petted and such...Trevor even gave us an insiders tip when he told us to sing "Eye of the Turtle" to it before the big race, which we did...but unfortunately, there were like 100 other racers there and poor "Monisha/Sally" didn't stand a chance. She lost in the first round...oh well. When we went to let her go "Back to her Mommy and Daddy" Natalie cried and was so upset, I was half tempted to crawl amongst the Porta Potties and bushes to find her again.

Onto other things, we tried to distract Natalie by eating some pancakes and visiting with our neighbors, John and Kay, but didn't stay long. Our friends the Golders showed up and we played hard at the playground until 11 when the parade started. Lots of candy (and I'm sure some cavities later) Natalie, Ceci, Dustin Cox and Andy and I went out on Dustin's boat and had a blast sailing around Perry Lake...

That night, we went back to Lecompton for the street dance where Natalie had an awesome time shaking her groove thing to the music...but after an hour or so, she (and I) was "off her face" tired and I got her home to bed...what a weekend!

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