
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New stuff

Well...2011 has already brought us new things...I started my new job with The Network Today on Valentine's Day 2011 I am selling personality assessments and have fun promoting them. I am also promoting professional development and the two events we are putting on this Spring. ..so I am keeping busy. I am able to work from home, which has it's pro's and cons:
Pros-I get to set my schedule and be flexible with personal appointments; I get to be involved with the Chamber and young professionals group again-which I love.
Biggest con right now? I have to take the girls into school in the morning-which is great, but if I don't have an appointment, I havew to drive all the way back home. Grandma Betty has been generous enough to let me work from her home. Which works out very well.
I'm looking forward to the day when we have an office of our own-hopefully somewhere downtown, but this works for now.
I am TRULY blessed to have an amazing leader in Gail and a great co-worker who is excited to expand this company. I just hope that I can be what I need to be for this company to grow!

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