
Monday, December 19, 2011

Being Creative...or not

So for Christmas, we always exchange names. At least on my side we do. This year we tried to be a little different and exchanged names with the idea that you had to make something based off of a Pintrest like/pin. It was fun...seeing what my sisters and Mom pinned or liked. I usually liked the same things...but my creative mind and creative hand are two very different things. The beautiful, simple bottle wrapped in yarn....looked like a clumsy hot glue mess.
The picture or card ribbon frame I had envisioned for my sister, didn't turn out quite right. The frame was a reused one-and I probably should have painted it or something...it took forever to get the ribbon on there and ..well...it just didn't turn out like it looked on the "professional's page"
It seems like that happens a lot in my life. I KNOW what I want to do, to say, to not do or not say...and it's not what actually happens. I MEAN to send dear friends birthday cards and Holiday cheer every year, but the time slips away with all of my good intention.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hello Fall

I love Fall...I've said it before, but there is always a sense of wonderment for me during this time. I love seeing the colors change in a day's time and I love all of the different holidays we get to celebrate, starting in Fall.
We went to Ark City in October to see family and take part in Arkalalah-a fall festival there-and a tradition since I can't remember when-FOREVER??!!
Family, tons of food and old friends make for a really nice time. We went down to AC on Thursday night and stayed until Sunday.
One of my best friends from high school and her new fiancee came and we threw them an engagement party.
sometimes I miss being so young and carefree...anytime I'm in Ark City, a flood of memories hits me. Some good, some sad but they have made me who I am and I wouldn't trade a single one of them.

We had some family pictures taken while there...here are a few...enjoy

Monday, September 26, 2011

I wish...

I wish that I could...take back mean things I have said to hurt a sister, take back any pain or hurt my Dad has felt, take away any lonliness my Mom has gone through, talk to my Grandpa just one more time to hear him call me his "Number one girl", tell my Grandma I love her and hug her just a little bit longer, let Natalie swing just a little longer-and push her the whole time, let Hannah cuddle more, be more empathetic to Andy and take away his pain, meet his Grandpa who he loved so much, make his parents realize how much they mean to us, let my friends know I wouldn't be who I was if it weren't for parts of them.
I guess I just did,

What do you wish??

Most favorite season of all!

I heart Fall! Not JUST because it's my birthday season, or because I love wearing sweatshirts, or love the changing colors. I love it because it reminds me that with every season, every year, I am so very blessed to be alive. I am able to enjoy swinging my daughters. Sitting on the porch with my husband. Talking to an old friend in my backyard. I am healthy. I am blessed. How could I ask for more?

Celebrate good times...come on!

We just celebrated Andy's 33rd birthday this past weekend! Nothing big...He said "33 is no 30th" So we celebrated in style on his actual birthday by inviting a few couples to join us at a hibachi grill called Kiku's. One of the guys going texted me a few days before and said he had a limo...okay...totally random, but we had a blast! And Andy had no clue. He saw it pull up and just said, "Oh geez" :)
We had a great time and I think he really enjoyed himself.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Summer "funner" days

Well another month gone and August in full swing...Natalie is getting excited to start Kindergarten and Hannah is entering the terrible...something or others :)
Natalie had her graduation from the YWCA preschool in July-they did it then so that the kids wouldn't begin asking about going to kindergarten. Now they only have 3 weeks instead of 3 months. I thought it was smart. We went shopping for her school supplies and she just couldn't understand why she couldn't get the cool notebooks and binders etc...
Natalie also started at a home daycare. She will go there full time until school starts and then she'll RIDE THE BUS back there with some friends...I'm a LITTLE nervous...I may have to follow the bus just once to see how it goes ;)

Andy started his job with Security Benefit in the first part of July and JUST started training this week. I'm surprised that he hasn't fallen asleep reading the Series 6 book he had to read. BUT he got a big compliment from his manager-the trainer told his manager that ANdy "knows his stuff" and will be one of the top guys in no time!! AWESOME! He felt pretty good about it too! He will be really awesome at this...stressful atmosphere-or can be, lots to get done in a short amount of time. He THRIVES off of that!

I'm so happy that he's happy...our relationship has gotten better and we talk alot more now. He actually TELLS me what he's been doing all day and he is upbeat and positive-something he hasn't been for awhile. I have the man I love back!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mayday's come and gone

May was super fast...Natalie turned 5 this month but the month seemed to go so fast, that her birthday has already come and gone...all that's left is gift wrapping, paint and a 5 year old! She was super excited to have some visitors come from a far away land called Oklahoma, come to see her on her special day. Grandma Ruthie, Aunt Erika, Zander and Jasmine all came up to stay the night with us and stay for the party on Saturday. Andy wanted to make her an extra special birthday dinner on Friday so he asked her what her most favorite food was...she said "Hot dogs and macaroni and cheese" so we laughed and said, other than hot dogs, what do you love? She replied, "well, I REALLY love hotdogs" Dad said, "Okay, if you had to choose between chicken and steak, what would you pick" Natalie said, "Chicken", Dad said, "Okay, if you had to choose between chicken and fish, what would you choose?" SHe said, "Chicken" Andy said, "would you like shrimp too?" "Natalie replied "YES...I LOVE shrimp" Andy said "Okay, we'll have some chicken and shrimp" Natalie responds, "What about crablegs?" ah...that girl

Friday, April 1, 2011


sometimes creativeness comes when I least expect it. I just whipped out a cute apron for a friend. I was trying to be a sewing genius and although it did take me 45 minutes to figure out the thread and bobbin situation, I got it and it's done. GO me! ;)

March Madness

OKay...I am SO glad that basketball season is almost over. I don't poke fun at people who enjoy this time of year...but COME ON! You can still function if you miss a few minutes of the game, I promise! I married into the NE Kansas craziness of KU basketball...I was told, "If you want to stay together, you have to choose" There was so much pressure! I don't even think I was given a fair opportunity to scout all of the possible teams to root for...but...I am a KU fan in all respect. No, I will not paint my face, house or car a certain shade of blue or red (although my Caliber is the perfect shade of red-on accident of course). I am pretty sure I will not bleed blue and red if I were cut, but I have to respect the love, passion and downright obsession of the man I married and some friends I surround myself with. (But I can't wait until they are "normal" again next week :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New stuff

Well...2011 has already brought us new things...I started my new job with The Network Today on Valentine's Day 2011 I am selling personality assessments and have fun promoting them. I am also promoting professional development and the two events we are putting on this Spring. ..so I am keeping busy. I am able to work from home, which has it's pro's and cons:
Pros-I get to set my schedule and be flexible with personal appointments; I get to be involved with the Chamber and young professionals group again-which I love.
Biggest con right now? I have to take the girls into school in the morning-which is great, but if I don't have an appointment, I havew to drive all the way back home. Grandma Betty has been generous enough to let me work from her home. Which works out very well.
I'm looking forward to the day when we have an office of our own-hopefully somewhere downtown, but this works for now.
I am TRULY blessed to have an amazing leader in Gail and a great co-worker who is excited to expand this company. I just hope that I can be what I need to be for this company to grow!

Nat's life

New Nat stories...

"Mom, I'm sorry that I lied, but sometimes my mouth doesn't remember the truth"

After I asked her to pick the basement toy room up-all by herself-"But Mom, my hands will get tired and by the time I'm done, it will be dark outside."

After telling her to stop picking her nose (in the choir loft during church, no less)
"Mom, if I don't pick them out, the boogers will start coming out of my nose and scaring people-they'll say 'oh my, what is that on Natalie's face" :)

(Nat)"Mom, I need new friends" (me) "Oh yeah...why is that honey?"
(Nat)"well, Mom, my friends say that I am slow" (me) "well we know that its not true" (Nat) "well I am a little bit slow"

I miss her

I miss my Grandma. I think about her at least 5 times a day. When I see a special type of bird; when I hear one of her favorite songs, when I call my Mom "Grandma Ryel" to Natalie, when I look at her picture in my living room; when I look in the mirror. I miss the way she smelled like powder and her favorite Doublemint gum. I miss the way she jiggled when she would laugh and pointing it out would only make her jiggle harder.
I miss the way she would talk and look out the window-all while rubbing her knee with her index finger as if soothing an ache in her bone.
Every Sunday at the Methodist church we attend, I think of her. When we stand and sit and sing the older hymns. I think of her when I am responding to what the Pastor is saying-God and her faith was such a big part of her life. I think of her when I see the elderly lady who sits all alone just down the pew from where we usually sit-I always try to talk just a little longer to her...after all, she reminds me of my grandma.

Friday, February 4, 2011

hello month of Luuuuuuuve!

Wow...already February? It seems like the past SO fast!

Updates: Hannah is walking-pretty much all the time now. She continues to be in to EVERYTHING!!! Miss Curious or Hannah of Mass Destruction is usually her name at home ;)
She had to be taken in to the hospital on Thursday with a suspected fracture on her elbow. We're not sure what happened. And thinks she fell off of the bed...but who knows. You wouldn't even know she was hurt except that when she bends her arm, she kind of wimpers now. Orthopedic doc said that he's not concerned and wants to hear back after a week if she's not better. She started in the toddeler class last week and seems to be doing really well.
Natalie continues to learn new thigs at her daycare/preschool. She knows her address, my phone number, Andy's cell number and too much for a 4 1/2 year old. I wonder sometimes where she gets things, but she continues to make us laugh.
Ne news with m...I start a new job on Valentines Day!!! That's all I will now...but it's going to be AWESOME!!! More later...