
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Birthday party, Beach and BBQ's

This past weekend was Memorial Day weekend AND Natalie's 4th Birthday Party (one of the good/bad things about being born around Memorial Day)
It started Friday night where we met up with the Cottrell fam and headed for the Topeka Zoo-had fun watching the elephants paint, the hippos eat watermelon and playing "I Spy" in the rainforest.

Saturday morning we got up early to run some last minute errands and came home to eat lunch, take naps and get some yardwork done bfore the big party!
Natalie had to try out the new pool before everyone else, so we got that out and filled it up with some nice, COLD water! Hannah stuck her feet in, but wasn't feeling it, so we watched happily from the sidelines.

After a great birthday party with friends and family on Saturday, Sunday brought us to the beach at Perry Lake...the water was cold and Natalie had a blast walking up and down the beach in the water-only up to her waist until our friends the Cottrells showed up and the beach/water experts, Ceci and Finn showed her how it was done. Hannah and I beached ourselves at the waters edge and let the waves come to us...Hannah had a blast and squealed when the waves hit her toes.
After an hour or so there, we went back home, ate some lunch and then headed into Gma and Gpa Meyer's house.
Andy and I took off with our friends, Dustin and Audra for some much needed adult time in the boat on the lake-for only about 40 minutes-astorms rolled in and we had to get off pretty quick
Monday we spent hanging out at home and relaxing from the already long weekend-until we had friends come over for a swim/bbq
Man it was a busy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. We had a fabulous time with our Meyer BFFs: King Boss, Ade, Nat and Hannah-banana!
