
Thursday, May 13, 2010

In BIG trouble

Natalie hasn't been acting herself at her daycare/school lately-she's been crying getting in trouble-she even had to go to the Directors office (which she liked-because of the stickers and coloring she got to do)
I made her apologize to her teachers for acting the way she did and told her that if she acted that way again, she'd be in BIG trouble at home. WELL...guess what-after the second day of acting that way, she was in BIG trouble! Afetr we got into the van and started to head hom, I told her that if she continued to act that way, they would kick her out of school-she started crying and I asked what she was sad about, she looked at me and said, "That's going to hurt!" Oh man...I have a HARD time not laughing at that girl!

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