
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Funny little things

I think I've said before on here just how funny my 3 almost 4 year old is...
Here are some funny things she has said lately...

"I can't do nufing? Not nufing?" After being told that when she gets in trouble at school, she is not allowed to have anything special to eat (treats/candy) and she's not allowed to anything "special" (watch movies, play with friends)AND it's while crying, so it's even more sad to watch

"You're mylittle precious booger boo, yes you are sugar, buger wuger"-said to her baby sister who eats it up ;)

"Look Mom, a cavity! It came out when I was brushing!"
After I was telling her about what cavities look like...small and black and stick in your teeth. She must have eaten something with pepper in it. It was funny!

"Look at this stuff, isn't it neat, wouldntchathinkmycowectioncompete" she LOVES The Little Mermaid-one of the only Princess Disney movies she doesn't have...and she sings it SO well ;)

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