
Friday, April 2, 2010

Make up

Sometimes in the drive to Topeka, Natalie wants to put on makeup. So (like a total nerd) I let her and she thinks she gets to do it whenever! This morning was no different, driving to school she asked if she could have some make-up. (eyeshadow and lipstick)I hand it to her, she puts a little on and we go in to her school. When I bend down to kiss her, I get a little lipstick on her forehead, and thinking it was a perfect opportunity to be "sly" I wipe it off and rub a little of the eye make up-which usually ends up on the top of her nose. She flips out..."MMOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM you wiped off my makeup..." Tears came instantly (that has always amazed me) and I had to take her outside to get more make up so she could look pretty for her Easter Party today. I. Am. In. Trouble!

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