
Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

We were a part of not one, not two, but THREE Easter egg hunts this year! Natalie got to start off Saturday morning at the Lecompton Easter Egg Hunt with our good friends, the Cottrells, and she cleaned up-literally! They hid eggs in the playground area and threw candy all over the ground right in front on a little hill. Once they rang the bell-totally cool-the kids ran right past the candy heading to the eggs. Natalie looked at Andy like, can I pick this up? She was so excited, she didn't know where to start. SHe gather a half easter bucket full of candy! PLENTY for the little girl! Then we headed over to get some pancakes at the Lecompton Pancake Feed at the Methodist Church-YUM!
That afternoon-after a much needed nap, we headed to our friends, the Golders for an easter dinner and ANOTHER hunt! Jason, Charlie and Chris outdid themsleves! They hid them so well, we were finding them an hour later! The girls (Katie, Ciera and Natalie) had a blast. Poor Hannah just watched with Mom and Dad from the sidelines. You could almost see her wanting to be out running with them...that'll come too soon!

The third egg hunt was in celebration of Easter and Olivia's 3rd birthday. After lunch, we stayed inside while Nolan and Josh hid the eggs...then Nolan counted down for them to run and find some eggs. They all had a great time!

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