
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Benefit Fish Fry

Sunday was a benefit fish fry for a Perry community member-Jayden Souter-who was diagnosed with a Wilm's Tumor in June of 2009. She's only four and even though I don't know Erica, her mom, very well, I consider her a friend. Plus, Jyden is 4 and that's too close to Natalie's age. If I were in their shoes, I know I would appreciate ANY help from anyone!
ANYWAY...they hosted a wild game and fish fry at the Perry Pub and we went around 2:15. The place was PACKED!!!! We left and came back with our neighbor friends, Wade and Megan Cottrell and Jessica Hammes, to a still packed house, but there was at east a few seats. They had a band-"A Country Mile" that started to warm up and Natalie immediately stood up and started taking her jacket off. Andy asked her what she was doin and she said, "They are going to play music and I'm going to dance!" While she waited, she ate 3 pheasant legs! She said, "This is the best chicken ever" We won't tell her! She doesn't know the difference anyway.
Afetr a few songs up front, we moved closer to Jessica and the Cottrells where it wasn't SO loud and Natalie played with Ceci and Finn (Cottrell) until all of the sudden, the band started "Redneck Woman" You would have thought there was fire in Natalie's pants the way she pushed people out of her way to gett o the 3 feet of dance space available to tear it up on the floor! She cracked us all up! She definitely has her Momma's moves! Minus the cyclops! ;)

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