
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hello summer! - I FORGOT about this blog that had been saved...

Just as we think the year might slow down a bit...it's summer. We had SO much to get done in May and June and looking ahead I see nothing big on the calendars! AT LAST! Relaxation...or at least for a couple of weeks. In May, Natalie graduated from kindergarten-ceremony and all. I loved how she went around and hugged her classmates-telling each one of them how she was "going to miss the SO much" and "good luck this summer". Made me smile. I don't think she quite comprehends how she'll be with the same kids all through her school career. I never had that. To grow up with the same people from 5 years old on. There are people that I have known that long, but not that I was with day in and day out, every year for all that time. I know that there are definite pros to the way I was raised - homeschool most of my life. I hear friends who grew up with Andy tell me how different he was in middle and high school. A person changes so much during those years-emotionally. Physically.Psychologically. Anyway-enough rambling...here are some photos of our summer so far...biggest thing...Natalie turned 6 on us!


So I could tell you that I've just been so busy that I haven't had time to blog since...APRIL?! (Which is KIND of true), or that it's been a whirlwind of a summer/fall, (which is also true) Or I could tell you that I lost my password to this blog...which JUST SO happens to be the right answer! I REALLY did! I couldn't remember it and never seemed to have enough time to push the "I forgot my password" button ;) But here I am...back again! Just a few pictures to cath you up on our summer/fall...