
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pics from August

Some of my fav pics from this past month

Life in August

First of all-I can NOT believe it is August-Actually the end of AUGUST! Summer has flowen by. Natalie started daycare with HAnnah at the YWCA and they are both doing so well. I wasn't sure Natalie was going to like it...after the 3rd day, she shared with me that her teacher was mean. I had to admit, her teacher was a little "rough around the edges" and so I asked about her to the Director. All is well now-we have an "understanding" of each other and she now knows what I need out of her-as does Natalie. She is learning new things everyday, and not a day goes by whe she doesn't make me giggle about something. Her latest "funny" was-the other day, I saw her doing the dance, so I asked her if she needed to go potty, "No Mom, this isn't my potty dance, these are just my moves" :) When I laugh out loud at her, she says, "stop", so I have to cover my giggling with my hand and look away.
Hannah continues to grow and amaze me everday as well. She started crawling this month-I know it happens around 8 months, but she is growing up too fast for me to feel like I see it. AM I missing too much? I go back and forth all of the time aout wha to do. I love being a working mom, and not sure I could be a great stay at home mom...but I don't know.

Monday, August 2, 2010

July 2010

Can you believe that July is over? One of the longest months of the yera, and I don't know what we did! Actually I have a few pictures to prove we did do SOMETHING! :)